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Composition – How To Get It Right (Part 1/2)
Composition, the design of a photograph, is what immediately sets one photo apart…
New Goodies Have Arrived
Now there are over 430 items in the Goodies library…
Featured User: Enikő Szalai
For someone who claims photography is not her passion, Eniko keeps proving the…
Grunge – It’s Not Just a Type of Music
Is there a grunge style of photography? Not that I’m aware of, so when I saw the…
Featured User: Erin Greif
Erin is a fan of toy cameras. See what she has created with BeFunky’s toy camera…
Dripping Ink
You know that feeling when you begin reading a book and the characters are still…
Jana Eubank / Scrapbooker
Growing up in a family that owned a printing/copying business, paper has…
Featured User: David Maya
You can have the most expensive cameras, lenses and all you want, but if you don’t…
Do You Remember The Time?
The one thing I miss about shooting on film is the various color properties available…
Convert Photos Into Stunning Sketches With Sketcher GFX
Sketches created with this effect look incredibly real and you won’t believe…
Who Knew that Blue Could Look So Good? Cyanotype Prints
Every once in a while I look at B&W photographs and get drawn in solely by…
Inkify Effect
BeFunky’s Inkify digital effect is an ink effect that converts a regular photo to ink…