Results for "edit"

An Introduction to Editing Macro Photography
Think of macro photography as capturing an image that isn’t visible to the naked…

A Beginner’s Guide to Using BeFunky for Your Business
If you own or work in a small business, you’ll want to create perfectly edited…

How to Photograph and Edit Your Cat Photos
Everyone loves cute cat pics, and we’re no different! Here are some tips for taking…

10 Photo Editing Tips for Creating Dreamy Wedding Photos
Besides the ceremony, there’s another thing you can expect…photographs! But…

Using BeFunky To Make A Twitter Header
Ah, Twitter. As a writer, it’s one of my favourite procrastination…

An Introduction to BeFunky’s Textures
Add another dimension to your photos with BeFunky’s Textures…

13 Reasons To Love Chucks
Chucks are the best. Fact…

Update Your Facebook Cover Photo Right From BeFunky!
We’ve just made it super mega ultra easy to update your Facebook Cover…

6 Reasons To Leave Town Today
As if you really need a reason……

We Just Made Photo Editing Easier!
You may have noticed some changes to our web app, here’s a quick tutorial of the…

Who Got New Features? We Did!
There’s no such thing as a boring photo… Only boring photo editors…

Masters of Artsy Effects: Ross Reitzammer (2/2)
A tutorial for great painting effects from BeFunky user haardnox…