Results for "blog tips"

How to Design a Media Kit For Your Blog
Designing a media kit for your blog doesn’t have to be intimidating. We’ll…

5 Tips for Starting a Beauty Blog
Are you interested in joining the beauty blogoshphere? BeFunky has all the tools…

Mastering The Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte
I’m a sucker for a pumpkin spice latte. But spending $5 for a barista to make me…

Oh, Snap: Design Made Easy With Snap Lines
We decided to take things to the next level, aka snap lines, baby! Say goodbye to…

DIY Wedding Invites
Thanks to the Designer, I was able to make this gorgeous invite and no one was any…

Rock Your No Makeup Selfie With These Filters
A filter can do wonders for the every-day sunset, the photo of your cat that looks…