Step Up Your Selfie Game With The New Perfect Skin Tool

Your selfie game is strong. After years of trial and error, hilarious Instagram fails and all too awkward mirror poses, you’ve finally mastered the art of the perfect selfie. You know how to adjust lighting and exposure with ease, how to utilize Touch Up tools to help get rid of awkward red eyes and more, and even know how to clone your way out of a sticky situation.
But let’s face it: we all have less than admirable days where the camera just seems to refuse to cooperate. While most people decide to just avoid cameras on those days, I’m here to tell you that they're soon to be a thing of the past.
Introducing the new BeFunky Perfect Skin Tool, our new favorite addition to the fabulous Photo Editor.

Like the name implies, this new tool is literally nothing short of the best magic we could get our hands on. The Perfect Skin Tool uses advanced frequency separation to separate the layers of your photo, meaning that it gives you the power to adjust your skin tone while still maintaining your skin’s true texture.
In other words, the Perfect Skin Tool corrects just about any imperfection you can think of from acne to scars, burns and beyond in one fluid, simple motion. Just select the tool, adjust the strength, and paint over the areas you want corrected.

The best part? It’s a deliciously simple solution for taking your selfie game to the next level—no complicated tutorials necessary. That's right folks: there's nothing else out there quite like this (trust us, we scoured the internet far and wide) that manages to seamlessly combine both dazzling professional effects and a ridiculously easy to use interface.

I'd be one to know: after all, learning how to correct skin tone in Photoshop is no easy (read: a very complicated) business. However, the skin correction I did below took me all of—wait for it—30 seconds.

A revolutionary new feature that’ll bring out your natural beauty without making you look artificially airbrushed, the Perfect Skin Tool maintains the texture of your face as it corrects your skin tone, preserving all those special features like freckles and beauty marks that make you you. It's our biggest accomplishment to date, the type of innovation we can't help but grin at.
I mean, just look at this transformation:

It’s time to amplify your natural beauty without looking “fake”. After all, your face is beautiful, so why would we ever want to cover it up?

Show us your best selves and get started with our new Perfect Skin Tool today: