Results for "film"

How to Edit Smartphone Photos to Look Like Film
Capture the charm of film from your smartphone with these filters and effects…

Behind The Lens With Global Exposure Productions
Blake Rackley is telling stories from around the globe one photo at a time. See how…

Do You Remember The Time?
The one thing I miss about shooting on film is the various color properties available…

Who Knew that Blue Could Look So Good? Cyanotype Prints
Every once in a while I look at B&W photographs and get drawn in solely by…

Peek Into The Past With Pinhole Images
The one thing photographs do extraordinarily well is paint an…

Create Unique Photos with BeFunky’s Holga Effects
The problems that plagued the Holga camera attracted artists who were…

A Photographic Chinese Box
One of the great joys from unorthodox treatments and uses of analog…

All About Lomo Effects
Lomography is a popular style of art, and a favorite among people who grow bored…