Explore The New Explore Page!

You may have noticed some huge changes to our apps over the last week, the hugest improvement comes to our Explore pages. When you save your photos to your BeFunky Gallery page you're given the option to 'Tag' your photo with whatever you want (ie Sunset, Food, Awesome, etc.). This makes it so other BeFunky-ers can easily find your photos based on their interests!
The updated Explore page has 'Tag Cloud' (this is where the aforementioned 'tag' feature comes into play!) and a 'Search Bar' at the top which allows you to cruise through photos of similar subjects other BeFunky-ers have shared in the BeFunky Gallery.
There's also 'Photo Streams' that take you right to the Newest and Hotttest photos in the BeFunky Gallery, as well as My Stream which is your very own customizable photo stream. That's right, you can now follow other BeFunky-ists and easily view, share, and 'LIKE' their photos :)
Now all that's left is for you to go get lost in the new BeFunky Explore Gallery!
Stay Funky Friend :)