Learn Effects Showcase
Effects Showcase
Introducing: Beautify!
We updated our apps last month, and we’ve added a few new features……
Who Got New Features? We Did!
There’s no such thing as a boring photo… Only boring photo editors…
Composition – How To Get It Right (Part 1/2)
Composition, the design of a photograph, is what immediately sets one photo apart…
Grunge – It’s Not Just a Type of Music
Is there a grunge style of photography? Not that I’m aware of, so when I saw the…
Dripping Ink
You know that feeling when you begin reading a book and the characters are still…
Do You Remember The Time?
The one thing I miss about shooting on film is the various color properties available…
Who Knew that Blue Could Look So Good? Cyanotype Prints
Every once in a while I look at B&W photographs and get drawn in solely by…
Inkify Effect
BeFunky’s Inkify digital effect is an ink effect that converts a regular photo to ink…
Peek Into The Past With Pinhole Images
The one thing photographs do extraordinarily well is paint an…
The Stencil Effect: How to Dramatize Your Photo
Learn how to use the Stenciler effects to dramatize your photos…
Rustic Rodeo
I had been to the cowtown Rodeo and had some shots of the live action. The…
Create Unique Photos with BeFunky’s Holga Effects
The problems that plagued the Holga camera attracted artists who were…