BeFunky Makes Designing Birthday Cards Easier

Now that we can simply send a quick text to someone, people have really been slacking on their friends’ birthdays. In the past, people would write heartfelt cards to send to their loved ones, but now that most people cannot be bothered to write more than a text, are birthday cards going extinct?
The main reason that people don’t send cards anymore is that it is too time-consuming to pick up a card from the store, and they often don’t know what to say! If making a birthday card was quicker and easier than going to the store, more people would do it. With BeFunky’s pre-made Birthday Card Templates, you can create a birthday card in minutes, it will look like you put in a lot of effort, and it can be a card that they keep and cherish for years to come.

It’s time to go back to taking a moment to write something heartfelt for your friends or lovers. It only takes a few minutes to do, and with BeFunky’s Graphic Designer, you can create a custom look in less time than it would take you to go to purchase one at the store. We knew if we didn’t do the heavy lifting, we would be forever caught in the vortex of birthday texts.
Better Birthday Card Ideas for Adults
If you are looking for some inspiration on what to say or do, take a look at the inspiration below. When you are ready to get started, check out BeFunky’s Birthday Card templates.
Use the Puns Nobody Appreciates
Puns are my favorite birthday cards. I love when I have to do a double-take in order to understand good design, and birthday card puns always make me laugh because of their witty humor.

You can easily look up birthday puns online, or if you have any of your own – this is your moment! Dig them up from having to bury them at parties, gatherings, and the dinner table. Writing them on a birthday card is the moment they should be used and appreciated. Hey, maybe you’ll even be able to start your own punny card shop.
Poke Fun at Their Age
If you have been friends with someone for a long time and have this kind of relationship with them, this is an easy way to get a laugh or smile. While we are getting older, sometimes there is nothing left to do but laugh about all of it – especially when it is the 70th one you’ve celebrated!

A Meaningful Message for a Friend
Whether you say something inspirational or just a short sweet message, tell your friend what they mean to you. Simply write something like “The world needs more friends like you” or “I am so glad that you were born.”

If you want to be long-winded, write out your feelings for them to keep. A goal of mine in my youth was to simply make my friends cry each time they read a letter from me – so maybe you could try this too.
Keep It Simple
Sometimes, keeping something simple is the easiest and best option. If you are lacking inspiration and are in a rush, choose a template that you don’t have to make many edits to.

For these, you simply add your own photo, change the name if needed, and print it out or send it as an e-card!

Choose Elegance
For some adults, giving your card an elegant touch is just what they love and need. There are several elegant birthday card templates to choose from. Simply choose the one you want, change the color palette if you’d like, and make sure you replace the name with their own if there is a place for it.

Need More Birthday Card Inspiration?
If you need more inspiration and cannot figure out what to say, copy and paste any of these phrases onto your card!
Show Off Your Sense of Humor
- Have an eggcelent birthday!
- You’re one in a melon!
- Hope your birthday is poppin!
- Mayo birthday wishes come true!
- Officially the age that a new vacuum becomes exciting.
- You don’t look a day over your actual age.
- Sexy doesn’t age.
- You are aged to perfection.
- Congrats on proving that getting older doesn’t mean getting wiser.
Speak From the Heart
- Just let me know how old we’re telling people you are now.
- You’re the best friend anyone could have.
- The world needs more friends like you.
- My life wouldn’t be the same without you, friend!
- Everything gets better with age.
Get Straight to the Point
- I’m glad you’re here.
- Glad you came earth-side!
- Time to celebrate!
- Happy Birthday
- Happiest of Birthdays to you!
Create Birthday Cards for Your Friends and Loved Ones
BeFunky makes creating birthday cards easier than ever – and it matters, because it is something that can be saved and looked at for years to come. Now, you don’t have an excuse to only send a birthday text. Choose a template from the Birthday Card Templates, add a phrase from above, and send your card off!