My Favorite Thanksgiving Foods

Thanksgiving is really quite splendid—delicious foods, seeing loved ones, football (for those of us who enjoy it), and the beginning of the holiday season.
As we celebrate our Native American and Pilgrim ancestors getting together, and proceed to pass out in a food coma on the couch, we must remember more than their poor fashion sense and pay homage to the true star of the show: the FOOD! Whether you're chowing down on some of that sweet, sweet pie or preparing your darling turkey for the perfectly edited photo with the BeFunky Photo Editor, everything about this holiday is pretty much a win in my book.
Here’s a list of five can’t-live-withouts this Turkey Day:

5. Cranberries.

Canned or fresh, they’re tangy and sweet, and add a much-needed acidity to an otherwise rich plate of food. And they’re such a great color!
4. Apples.

Pies, tarts, sauteed, baked—apples are star of fall and they carry right into Thanksgiving dinner.
3. Potatoes.

Idaho, Russets, Sweets,’ve got options. Roast, mash, whatever—get your starch on!
2. Stuffing.

In case the rest of your plate wasn’t filling enough, there’s stuffing. Or dressing. I think what you call it may be a regional thing. Oysters, sausage, fruits, cornbread—there are endless variations to this belly packer.
1. The bird.
The true centerpiece of any American Thanksgiving. Here I've taken a not-so-appetizing stock photo, and edited it with BeFunky's Photo Editor. The Photo Editor makes it simple to crop images, edit their color, and even add frames and text. Simply log in, go to the Photo Editor, and play around with the many options. In this case, I uploaded my photo, made a few small edits to brightness and contrast, and added in a border with some text.

And now, yum! In this day and age, you can roast it, deep fry it, buy a plate to go...but this is the Gobbler’s big day.
Need last-minute inspiration? Check out BeFunky's Pinterest page to find delicious recipe ideas! And no matter your favorites, make sure and take your foodie pictures this Thanksgiving, and use BeFunky to make them look their mouth-watering best!