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Posts by Derric
New Goodies Have Arrived
Now there are over 430 items in the Goodies library…
Featured User: Enikő Szalai
For someone who claims photography is not her passion, Eniko keeps proving the…
Grunge – It’s Not Just a Type of Music
Is there a grunge style of photography? Not that I’m aware of, so when I saw the…
Featured User: Erin Greif
Erin is a fan of toy cameras. See what she has created with BeFunky’s toy camera…
Dripping Ink
You know that feeling when you begin reading a book and the characters are still…
Jana Eubank / Scrapbooker
Growing up in a family that owned a printing/copying business, paper has…
Featured User: David Maya
You can have the most expensive cameras, lenses and all you want, but if you don’t…
Do You Remember The Time?
The one thing I miss about shooting on film is the various color properties available…
Who Knew that Blue Could Look So Good? Cyanotype Prints
Every once in a while I look at B&W photographs and get drawn in solely by…
Inkify Effect
BeFunky’s Inkify digital effect is an ink effect that converts a regular photo to ink…
Peek Into The Past With Pinhole Images
The one thing photographs do extraordinarily well is paint an…
Featured User: Michelle Reynolds
Michelle is a stay at home mom and aspiring photographer living in Atlanta…