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Playing With Shapes: How To Funkify Your Photo Framing
It’s a party with shapes! Transform the look and feel of your photos by learning…

5 DIY Camera Filters Using Household Items
You don’t need to spend a lot to add dreamy elements to your photos. Here’s…

Creating a Facebook Group Header Graphic
With the cooler weather comes something we all enjoy —fall television premieres…

No Makeup To Full Glam With Befunky’s Photo Editor
Since the Photo Editor has a full arsenal of Touch Up tools, I’ll show you just how…

How To Take Great Underwater Photographs
Whether you’re jumping in the pool or planning a scuba trip, here are some tips…

The Evolution Of Graffiti And Urban Art
What started off as humble vandalism has progressed into unique forms of art…

How To Style Top-Down Photography
There are endless opportunities for styling top-down photos. These tips will not…

Step Up Your Selfie Game With The New Perfect Skin Tool
Say goodbye to bad skin days and hello to a whole new world of beautiful with the…

Simple Ways To Improve Your Images
Do you wish there was an app out there that could make your pictures web-ready with…

5 Simple Food Swaps for a Healthier Life
Wallet getting thinner from eating out too often? Here’s 5 simple food swaps you…

How To Create Captivating Pinterest Board Covers Using The Designer
It’s vital to have captivating Pinterest board covers to reel in those followers, so…

Mastering The Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte
I’m a sucker for a pumpkin spice latte. But spending $5 for a barista to make me…