Even More New Features!!

So we're at it again... This time we've made some really cool updates to the Text tool and we've added a few fantastic Frames!
We launched our new Text tool, and it includes some new fonts and a few new functions. First the features, we made it so you can resize your text without distorting the aspect ratio. If for some reason you want to resize your font and don't mind distorting its aspect ratio just hold down your Shift key! We made it so you can now add a background to your text (just like in the Mobile App!), you can change the color and when you resize your text, the background gets resized too.

Now onto the Fonts... You asked for it, we listened :) Comic Sans is back! You'll find it under the Display section along with three new fonts, Boogaloo, Bowlby, and HVD Comic. Yes, Display is a new font category so if you don't see the font you're looking for it may have just been relocated :) We also added three more fonts to the Sans Serif section. Say hello to Amaranth, Amble, and Cabin!

For Premium and Professional subscribers, we added six new frames in the Filmstrip section.

We also added six new frames, for Premium and Professional subscribers, to our Grunge section. Three of those frames are accessable for Basic/Free accounts!

If there is every anything you'd like to see added to the app, don't hesitate to ask! contact at befunky dot com
Have fun and Stay Funky!